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Rebecca Clark is Spanish, French & Indian, who never dreamed that she would be impersonating such a great talent as Barbra Streisand, and was always told she sounded like Streisand herself! Rebecca would joke and respond in Streisand’s voice “But I’m not even Jewish” Rebecca felt she could identify herself with Streisand since growing up in the orphanage from 8 months to 13 years of her life, she was made fun of due to the absence of a traditional family life. Rebecca found solace in listening to her transistor radio, and would also hold talent contest in the orphanage and sometimes charge a penny. She would use her blanket for a curtain and clothes pins to hold them up, as she sings into her hairbrush as a microphone! Rebecca’s passion for music & song is what keeps this songbird doing what she was born to do! As Rebecca stated, This is who I am, and who I was meant to be! I am thankful & truly blessed!

I want to thank all of you for taking the time to visit my web site.  Please come again soon!!!


Very truly yours,

Rebecca Clark

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